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We'll meet again

Sat in our kitchen, French doors open into the garden, sunshine streaming in. Vera Lynn on the radio. VE Day and the message then remains valid today, we'll meet again. The difference is I do know where (the Mini Inn) but I don't know when.

The virtual race across America continues unabated. Three days on the trot that Mini Inn have claimed the daily prize. The gap is closing, but very slowly.

106 miles in the day for Mini Inn v 101 for Pocket to Socket. Overall gap is down to 67 miles. That's almost the same as Guisborough to Filey on the Hardmoors 60 (62 in real miles). Ran that race once and got a shiny trophy for the first Shire. A shire is classed as 14 stone plus. There are benefits to carrying a few extra pounds and I was very chuffed with that shiny trophy, still am. Now Filey was where my Great Auntie lived for most of her life. She sadly died a couple of years before the Hardmoors race so it was an emotional time running into the finish in Filey, remembering the walks we'd had on that amazing beach. Happy days though.

Here's where we have been overnight. P2S have made it to Fort Worth, next stop Dallas.

Mini Inn are 67 miles back in the town of Metcalf Gap. Google Images doesn't offer anything inspiring in terms of local photos so I've given you a t shirt instead. Inspirational stuff. My Dad went to Metcalf Gap and all he brought me back was that ******* t shirt.

Your challenge for this weekend is a combination of celebrating the weekend and our current location. VE Day is a time for dressing up and celebrating, in the style of a Texan.

Here's the deal. If you log miles today, tomorrow or Sunday and complete ALL of those miles in Texan themed fancy dress then there are bonus miles on offer.

Post your photo on FB underneath my latest daily report. The photo has to be out on the course, nothing on your doorstep just before you get changed back into your normal running kit. When you see the photos like your favourite ones. The top 3 get double their mileage for that particular day. The only slightly controversial thing is our fancy dress runner is a) my wife and b) on my team. Hope that makes sense.

Here's the scores on the doors.

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