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York Postal Harriers Code of Conduct


This document sets out the behaviour expected of club members and participants in club activities and details the role of the welfare officer(s).



All members must sign the relevant code of conduct for their role upon joining and at renewal. There are separate codes for runners, volunteers and coaches.

You must log into “My athletics portal” found at the top right of this page: England Athletics Official website
This is also where you can check your address, next of kin and any other personal details, and amend if necessary.


As a Club, members come together to participate and enjoy a common interest in running and athletics. The Code of Conduct acts as a reminder of the standards of behaviour which we can all share.


Members are expected to recognise that the organised activities of the club depend on the time and efforts of many volunteers who give a significant amount of their time for the benefit of the club.


Within the context of the club, members or a person acting on behalf of the club are expected to:

  • Behave with respect to other members of the club, other runners and members of the public.

  • Take responsibility for their own safety and not compromise the safety of others.

  • Behave in accordance with the Welfare Policy of the Club.

  • Respect and comply with the rules and regulations of competitions that they may participate in or assist with as an official.

  • Not publish defamatory material or behave in a manner that may bring the club into disrepute.

  • Follow the Complaints Procedure if at any time they have cause for concern for the welfare, safety or behaviour of others.

  • Runners should be age 16 or above to participate in training sessions on the road or cross country.

Social Media

Comments made verbally, on our social media pages – WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and/or website should not be abusive, offensive or derogatory, nor contain any inappropriate language. The moderators reserve the right to delete these types of postings and exclude the author.

The Club recognises that many runners make use of social media in a personal capacity. While they are not acting on behalf of the Club, members must be aware that they could risk damaging our reputation if these are not appropriate.

All members are therefore requested to ensure that they continue to recognise and respect this.


Club Members

As a small club the success of York Postal Harriers is dependent on the active participation of all our members. The club is run and managed by a small committee of volunteers and we ask all members to support the committee and get involved where possible. The following code of conduct is mainly ‘common sense’ but we encourage all members to read this and adopt these principles. As a responsible club member you will:

  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all club members, committee members, coaches, and treat everyone equally.

  • Anticipate and be responsible for your own needs including being organised, having the appropriate equipment and turning up on time to club sessions and events.

  • Ensure that payment of annual membership fees is made promptly

  • Consistently promote positive aspects of the sport such as fair play and never condone rule violations or the use of prohibited substances.

  • Avoid swearing and abusive language and irresponsible behaviour including behaviour that is dangerous to yourself or others, acts of violence, bullying, harassment and physical and sexual abuse.

  • Challenge inappropriate behaviour and language by others.

  • Never engage in any inappropriate or illegal behaviour.

  • Avoid destructive behaviour and leave venues as you find them.


Running Group Participants

As a participant in any club-led running group you will:

  • Listen to your run leader.

  • Not divert from planned routes without the knowledge and consent of the run leader.

  • Be honest about your ability. Take note of any recommendations given to you by run leaders about which group is right for you and change groups when appropriate.

  • Inform your run leader if you have any injury, illness or long term medical condition that may affect your running. We recommend that you carry your emergency contact details on your person.

  • Anticipate and be responsible for your own needs. Be organised, on time, and have appropriate clothing and equipment. If it’s dark, wear something bright – hi vis or reflective.

  • Not run too far off the front of a group. Loop back at regular intervals or when requested to by your run leader.

  • Look after the other runners within your group. If someone is struggling make sure that they are not left on their own or inform your run leader.

  • Be responsible for your own safety and the safety of others. Warn other runners around you of impending hazards.

  • Respect and acknowledge other road and footpath users. Be courteous and run in single file where appropriate. Close gates after passing through.

  • Not leave a session without first informing your run leader.


Club Committee and Coaches

In order to maintain and develop a vibrant club you can expect the committee to uphold the same values as the general membership. In addition the committee and coaches will:

  • Adopt national welfare policies and procedures, adhere to the codes of conduct and respond to any suspected breaches in accordance with the welfare procedures.

  • Appoint a welfare officer and ensure that they are provided with appropriate training to act as a first point of contact for concerns about welfare issues.

  • Ensure that officers & coaches hold the appropriate qualifications for their role and have undertaken the appropriate checks e.g. DBS checks.

Club Welfare Officer Details

Welfare Officers:
Sophie Cole & NEED TO APPOINT. Email: TBC


The Welfare Officers will:

  • Deal with confidential matters that may arise related to athletes and have an understanding and appropriate manner to deal with such matters.

  • Be responsible for the promotion of codes of conduct to members

  • Receive, record and pass on any concerns relating to the welfare of vulnerable adults.

  • Recognise the difference between poor practice according to club rules and matters that would be seen as welfare issue


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