We've been at it since lockdown began back on 23rd March. We did an ultra marathon around York, we ran to Moscow, we ran across the States and now we've run around England and Wales. I do believe Up and Running is open again in town so you may need a visit.
What an amazing bunch of people you are. Forrest Gump has nothing on a group of Postal Harriers. What is the collective noun for a group of Posties?
As expected, Team Minster Inn crossed the finish line early on yesterday morning and spent the day soaking up the Scarborough Sun. Report of headaches and nausea were being received by early afternoon. The reason for the self induced illness? It was Jim's birthday yesterday so a belated happy birthday from all your friends at Postal Harriers.
As I mentioned last week, I'm putting my spreadsheets and Strava maps away for a little while now. You never know, I might be back after a few days off. Don't forget we still have Elliot's 10K series to keep us entertained with the next one coming up on Tuesday next week. I'm looking forward to watching him deliver the virtual handicap at the end of the series!
Here's the final standings and there's some fantastic distances out there so very well done everyone.
Take care everyone and keep running and walking.
