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Summer League Challenge

The first race of the Summer League season was due to start this coming Tuesday, so cue hailstones, wind and rain for around 7pm Tues evening.

Elliot has put together a great idea to fit in nicely with the current Stateside challenge. Here's the message from Elliot.

Good morning all, I hope you are all keeping well.

In discussions with Simon and the Postal Captains, I'd pitched an idea to run alongside what would have been the Summer League 10km for Posties.

On the dates of the races - first up being Tues 28th April - anyone who runs 10km (give or take a few meters at the organisers discretion) and submits it to the Minsters vs Sockets challenge, will have their name entered into a prize draw.

We will draw one name out and they will receive a prize when it is safe for us all to meet again. I will keep note of the winners.

We are aware that some Posties are participating in similar Virtual York challenges, but this shouldn't increase your need to submit further details, as long as your 10km run is made known to the American trek.

I also appreciate that some people will perhaps have planned to run different distances that day, but essentially that is the challenge. It is not based on speed / times, just whether you can use a specific 10km run to your advantage that day - and possibly win a prize to boot!!

Race dates:

Tues April 28th Tues May 12th

Tues May 26th Tues June 9th

Tues June 23rd Tues July 7th

Tues July 21st

Best of luck to all those who take part. If you've got any questions, please just ask. Another big thank you to Simon for motivating us to keep going through these times.


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