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Getting to know your Harriers - Part 4

Our fourth member to share their story is Sean Withill. Great to hear you are injury free, not so great to hear that the current situation has taken away your income. Let's hope for better times soon.

1. We all know you're a member of the famous York Postal Harriers but away from the club what does your work life look like (or retired or something else entirely)?

I was doing contract work for a management consultancy company (working from home) doing proof reading of business reports and data analysis, but alas the coronavirus has resulted in my contract being terminated, so my income has disappeared! When I'm at home I enjoy reading as I've got a large collection of books.My subject matter includes non-fiction; history, politics, travel & sports biographies and fiction; american detective novels: authors include Raymond Chandler, Elmore Leonard, James Elroy etc, which are all set in the California of the 1940's and 1950's.I also enjoy some victorian gothic fiction. I think there will be plenty of time to catch up on my reading now!

2. How has life changed in the last week and how have you been able to adapt your running routines?

I'm a fan of the You Tube material that covers yoga/stretch and flex for runners (as originally recommended by the coach) and I'm chopping logs for the wood stove! I'm back into running along the river after recovering form the ankle injury and getting out at 7:00am is a nice time.

3. Is there any support you need that your fellow YPHers could help with. Remember we're observing social distancing so it could be a weekly video call to have a chat or you might need some shopping delivering because you're self isolating.

I'd enjoy some video call interaction at some point to keep in touch.

4. Are there any skills you've got that could help others at this time. The Council is co-ordinating the volunteering effort so check out if you would like to / are able to offer your support.

As I'm unemployed, I would like some work to do, so volunteering would be a positive. I have a range of administrative skills (I am a former University administrator who supported students during their academic appeals etc), but I'll do anything!

5. In a positive sense, is there anything that the current situation has allowed you to do that you wouldn't have been able to previously? Have you worn a path around your garden yet trying to figure out how many laps you'll need to do to get to 5K?

I'm attempting to sort out and collate my book collection. There have been opportunities to observe the blackbirds nesting in the courtyard garden!

6. Send us a photo of the new you in your best YPH gear. I've giving you a stunning example to start with.

7. Free format. What else would you like to share with your clubmates.

I think we need to reflect on what a quality of life really is and be more grateful for our simple pleasures: going to the local pub/cafe; attending the local cinema with family and friends; running together, as we maybe take it too much for granted!

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