Many thanks to Helena for being quick off the mark and sending in her story.
We all know you're a member of the famous York Postal Harriers but away from the club what does your work life look like (or retired or something else entirely)?
I started training to be a secondary school English teacher in September so my life is split between working in schools and working at university (although it is generally more of the former). That, and running, take up most of my time, but I’m also a published writer and maybe now I’ll have time to work on some more stuff!
How has life changed in the last week and how have you been able to adapt your running routines?
The biggest change is that I’m now back with my parents in Derby. Wasn’t an easy decision to make, but ultimately, I would feel safer and happier here if we do go into a lockdown. In terms of running, I’ve been recovering from an injury lately, so I haven’t run much anyway! Mum and I went for a short jog yesterday though and will keep going running when we can around where we live.
Is there any support you need that your fellow YPHers could help with. Remember we're observing social distancing so it could be a weekly video call to have a chat or you might need some shopping delivering because you're self isolating.
The posties have been phenomenal in offering support for my Nana already. With me back in Derby, she’s on her own and we’re naturally worried about how we can best look after her, whilst social distancing. For now, she’s got plenty of food, but it’s good to know that I can call on the posties if she does need anything!
Other than that I just want to stay in touch with people as best as we can. The whatsapp groups are great, but I’d love to hear from posties individually as well over facebook, facetime, whatsapp etc. Stay in touch! Maybe we could even arrange a couple of video call socials?
Are there any skills you've got that could help others at this time. The Council is co-ordinating the volunteering effort so check out if you would like to / are able to offer your support.
As a trainee teacher, I’m happy to provide remote tutoring and support for the postie parents out there! Obviously, my specialism is English, so I won’t be much help with the long division, but I can provide literacy resources, reading recommendations, or I can mark pieces of writing. Whatever I can do to help just let me know!
In a positive sense, is there anything that the current situation has allowed you to do that you wouldn't have been able to previously? Have you worn a path around your garden yet trying to figure out how many laps you'll need to do to get to 5K?
I have more time to write which is great, and I get to spend more time with my family which is nice (so far!). I’ve seen a lot of negativity from this, but I’ve also seen an overwhelming amount of positivity, which I’m trying to share as widely as possible. Things like dance classes and workouts taking place online for free, access to more book titles for free, Instagram live concerts and talk shows being hosted from home. There’s so much good happening right now behind everything else that’s going on, and that’s what I’ll remember about this time in 10 or 20 years.
Send us a photo of the new you in your best YPH gear. I've giving you a stunning example to start with.
I’ve attached a picture from yesterday’s jog with Mum. Representing YPH on the streets of Derby!
Free format. What else would you like to share with your clubmates.
Just to stay safe, stay happy, and stay in touch! I miss you all already!
