A stunning 186 miles covered by both teams yesterday. Team Mini Inn find themselves in Eagle Park Wilderness Study Area. Sadly they're not exactly soaring as 86 of those 186 miles were covered by them. The maths geniuses out there will be able to deduce how many Pocket to Socket completed. Educational this virtual challenge as well, it's the gift that keeps on giving.
Rather magnificent rock formation in Eagle Park. That's 727 miles done for Mini Inn.
Meanwhile, 130 miles down the road, P2S are feeling rather smug. We've had 7 days of racing and P2S have clocked more miles on 6 of those days. Sunday is long run day for many so what changes will we see today?
The 854 mile point, the overnight home of P2S is the town of Socorro in the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge. Keep expecting to find photos of Clint Eastwood or John Wayne but we've got this instead.
P2S have 250 miles to go before they reach the Texas border and the flatlands that will stay with them all the way to the end. With 1900 ish miles to go it's still far too early to be thinking they have this in the bag. Mini Inn, it's time to start the fight back!
Happy Sunday to all Postal Harriers, keep smiling, keep safe and enjoy your running and walking.