It's parkrun all the way this week with no races to report and the eagle eyed amongst you will have noticed it was the 400th event round the Mire. parkrun has come along way since 14th January 2012 when our racecourse saw the first pack of humans chasing each other round with their barcodes at the ready.
216 people took part that day, the numbers swelled by the mass of tourists visiting for the inaugural event. Only 94 came back for more the following week and the first Christmas Day event in 2012 saw 48 rock up. Seems hard to imagine a decade later with 513 runners & walkers taking part on Saturday.
In true horse racing style, the Postal form guide is looking pretty hot at the moment. 6 in the 1st 11 at New Earswick last week was followed up by 4 in the 1st 11 at the Mire this week and more PB's with Di showing that her one second dip under 23 mins was no fluke and surely 22.30 is now on the horizon?
The other celebration was for Jim, taking part in his 250th parkrun. No balloons in evidence and no cake either, most disappointing Jim, but he was able to celebrate with a great finishing time of 19.29, good going with a strong headwind in the start line straight.
Up at the top end we had Elliot and Dom both finishing in under 18 mins closely followed by Alex in 18.09 to finish 5th, 6th and 8th respectively. I'll not mention much about the bloke who came in next, other than to say in my best West Yorkshire tones, I was well chuffed with 11th place.
It was great to see Ben proving that he's been listening to every word from Coach Whitby as he finished in text book fashion with pockets and sockets in beautiful harmony. The most aesthetically pleasing performance of the day.
Given it's Valentine's Day I'd best give my wife a mention. Lucy has been introducing Billy (our dog not Mr Shively) to canicross these last few weeks and they are getting closer and closer to the 30 min barrier. They would have dipped under it on Saturday but for an untimely toilet stop from our canine chum.
Speaking of canine's it was good to see our cross country terrier, Mr Partridge in action and well done Melissa for knocking the best part of a minute off your time from last week.
Highest placed finisher of the weekend was Ian, coming home in 2nd place after 5 laps of the track at Heslington, well done Ian.
I think that's it and apologies as always if you've been racing and I've not picked up your result. Great to see plenty of training runs on Strava with Posties in Whitby, the Lakes and plenty getting wet trudging round York.
Fountains Abbey
231st Karen Travis 31.22
2nd Ian Smithson 18.45
New Earswick
12th Patrick Hough 23.22
23rd Andrew Halcro-Johnston 24.58
51st Jamie Butler 24.50
67th Phil Raddall 28.00
5th Elliot Cole 17.28
6th Dom Carter 17.57
8th Alex Davis 18.09
11th Simon Middleton 18.27
22nd Jim Carter 19.29
54th Andy Heather 21.05
59th Jon Davies 21.16
66th Ben Briffaud 21.28
72nd Mark Dodsworth 21.36
107th Di Campbell 22.43
300th Sophie Johnson 28.17
361st Lucy Turner 30.16
436th Si Partridge 33.25
437th Melissa Partridge 33.26
Enjoy your week everyone and hope you get some decent runs in before the storms come later in the week.