The headline isn't the title of the latest Bond film before you ask. What do you reckon the storyline would be if it was?
The analysts out there won't take long to make something of this. Team Pocket to Socket got 16 of them out running and walking yesterday and racked up 84 miles. Team Minster Inn for 8 out and logged 54 miles. Tells me two things. Mini Inn are either knackered or lazy after 10K day on Tuesday. When they do go out they log more miles on average than their rivals.
Team P2S are back in the middle of nowhere, east of Phoenix and at the start of the long climbing season. New Mexico is in the distance and once they are through there it is flatish all the way to the end. The amazing scenery below is in the delightfully named Superstition Wilderness Area. Don't go running there at night. And definitely not with a ladder. Looks amazing and I know one or two Socketers who would be delighted to be trail running through here. Splendid superstition scenery eh Dee?

Team Mini Inn are in downtown Phoenix, 75 miles behind their rivals. They've bumped into another team of sporting locals, the Cardinals. Here they are in action, we could do with recruiting their running backs to log a few miles for us today.

Here's Phoenix, sits in a vale just like York but with more skyscrapers.

That's it for today. Sending my good wishes to everyone, keep safe and keep smiling.