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Club Night in the Words of DGB

In a few words, a bar of chocolate, a Gorilla suit and a drum fill. 

Yep, tonight’s training session was perfect. Everyone gave of their best, encouraged and helped one another. Job done. The designed session was a brute but offered something for everyone. It worked particularly well because you made it so. Karen, thank you. I saw what you were doing, selfless. You are a great addition to the club. 

One or two runners jumped up a group and ran a pace one or two yards quicker than normal. Thank you. One or two runners ran a pace one or two yards slower than normal to help make the night a success. Thank you. 

The session allowed us to simulate the last few Ks in a race. The tough Ks. I loved your determination. I loved your ‘we are in it together spirit’. You could not see what I could see. A reet proper running club. Dog walkers smiled to themselves as they passed. It was warm, it was lovely, it was YPH.

Tonight there was a watershed moment. Half of the 26 runners and 3  more in the bar were ladies. Deanna, Simon and Dee take a bow. The club is a better place.  In the words of the guy in the monkey suit playing the drums and eating chocolate:

I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord And I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord Can you feel it coming in the air tonight? oh Lord, oh Lord

So, lovely, lovely people run happy be happy. 

Wherever you are running this weekend. Be thankful you can run, enjoy it to the max and like tonight, don’t leave anything out there. Empty the tanks and be proud of yourselves. I’m proud of you. Take Care


This isn't just any Indian Line, this is a Postal Harriers Indian Line. Three groups all in perfect harmony.

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