Some great efforts in the weekend long anagram competition. We've had Men Sent Martini, Tame Inner Mints, Sock mock teat to Pete and a number of others that we can't share. This is a family club. Dee went the extra mile and submitted numerous entries. Ben even gave me a photo to accompany his M&M's themed entry.
I've been fair as well, anyone making me laugh has got prizes and I've excluded my own entry. I'm the only one who laughs at my jokes anyway so didn't feel it was fair to laud my own wordsmithery.
Ten bonus miles have been awarded to everyone who submitted an entry and apologies to Tracey for initially disqualifying her entry before I went back and double checked. My eyesight is equal to that of a government advisor.
341 miles were logged yesterday including all the bonus miles. Mini Inn got 3 treble 20's with 180 miles and P2S were not far behind with 161. Long run Sunday is upon us and the anagram comp continues until midnight tonight so keep them coming. Max of 10 bonus miles per runner - a new rule! Keep calm and run on.
Mini Inn are rocketing along the south coast and have reached Bognor Regis with P2S about 140 miles back in Folkestone.
Here's Bognor, pretty sure you can just make out the Mini Inners basking in the sun.

And here's Folkestone where you can see P2S deciding whether to catch the ferry to France and chuck it all in.
