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3/4 of a mile in it!

As close as close can be yesterday. Team Pocket to Socket logged 83.4 miles v 82.65 from their Mini Inn rivals. Well done P2S.

That leaves 726 miles to go for Mini Inn and 1002 for P2S. Can Mini Inn be caught?

On to today and in normal times we would have been looking forward to three laps of this beast. Odd that when I look out into the garden today, the sky is blue and the sun is shining. Bit different to last year, literal cats and dogs and huddled in our gazebo eating burgers and drinking beer when everyone else had long since gone home. If Carlsberg made running clubs.

Lovely to see that some of you have already taken on Elliot's 10K challenge today and found an alternative 3 lapper. Keep them coming, you've got all day and it will surely be rain of biblical proportions come 7.30 tonight.

There's not long to go now in this challenge, another week at most. Once we've reached the finish line I'm going to be hanging up my virtual challenge laptop and spreadsheet. We've got the rest of the 10K virtual challenge series and thank you to Elliot for coming up with that idea and making it happen. Lets see how long it is before we can run together again, even in small groups. With shops opening up again soon we must be nudging closer and rather than focussing on a new normal, lets think how we can Build Back Better, not just as a group of running mates but as a society.

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