Many thanks to our members who responded to the recent request for new committee members. After an incredibly thorough selection process (!), we now have 4 new members to help support the continued development of our club as well as a new chair.
Welcome to Jon Davies who will be our new Club Secretary. Amy Johnson is bringing her healthcare expertise to the role of Wellbeing & Mental Health champion alongside Sophie Cole in her existing role of Safeguarding Officer.
There is also a brace of Carters joining the committee so Dom is taking on the role of Assistant Social Secretary with a focus on planning club runs and researching options for a club championship. You will have already seen his 2 club runs for the Autumn being the Marathon du Malton and the Tad10. See the Whatsapp group for full details.
The final new committee member is Jim Carter who will be our new Vice Chair. In addition, Simon Middleton is the new Club Chair after holding the interim position for a few months.
What that does mean is our long serving Secretary, Bill Shively has stepped down from the role he has undertaken so well for many years. Bill (and Ian Dalton) will continue to be our Summer League reps so thank you both for your ongoing support.
It would be remiss of us not to thank Bill for his many years of hard work and devotion to Postal Harriers. Everyone in York knows who Bill is and he has and continues to be a brilliant ambassador for our club. Thank you Bill from all of us for everything you have done to promote all things Postal Harriers! We hope you enjoy your 'retirement' and make the most of not having to battle with tech anymore!