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Taddy 10K meets Gonzales Jambalaya Festival

You'd never think of blending Taddy on a cool Tues night in May with a jambalaya festival. Odd how strange things collide in the virtual world. For the first time in its history, Taddy came alive last night. Not with the stale smell of John Smiths but with the sights and sounds of mardi gras and jambalaya. Never before have I used the word jambalaya so much in one paragraph.

There was a great response to Elliot's road race league challenge with the 2nd race of the season taking place. Watch out later for results of the prize draw once Elliot has dusted off his pans. Before you write in, Elliot has the details of everyone who emails and/or WhatsApp's their results in. More platforms than Elton John.

272 miles were completed in the day. Mammoth. Team Pocket to Socket have reclaimed the daily spoils and raced through New Orleans, stopping just long enough to take in some jazz and dancing. Sadly there are no photos. As a team they clocked up 148 miles.

Team Minster Inn logged 124 miles yesterday and with the distance to the finish shortening, it's looking like a one horse race from here on in. Remember Devon Loch though (t'internet will come to the rescue if needs be).

The one bonus for Mini Inn is that they've spent the night in Gonzales, the self proclaimed jambalaya capital of the world and famous for its festival. That famous I've never heard of it before. Here it is -

P2S are now in a different state, in more ways than one. Louisiana is behind them and they are racing through Mississippi. The beachside town of Biloxi was their home last night. Not sure about the name of a town, it sounds more like a local disinfectant that carries the label ' Does not cure COVID-19 despite what Trump says.'

Looks a rather nice place does Biloxi. Land of giants though, what with guitars that big.

There's probably 6 days of racing left in this with P2S only 736 miles from the finish and 884 to go for Mini Inn.

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