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Committee Meeting Minutes

Date: 17 Sept 2024

Venue: Online

Attendees: Simon Middleton (Chair), Elliot Cole (Social Events), Dom Carter (Social Runs/Club Champs), Mark Whitby (Coach), Amy Johnson (Mental Health & Wellbeing Champ), Jon Davies (Club Secretary), Harriet Sleight (Club Captain), Jess Harvie (PECO), Kevin Armstrong (Treasurer).

Apologies: Sophie Cole (Safeguarding Champ), Jim Carter (Vice Chair)

Start Time: 7pm

  1. Treasurer Update - bank account mandate now reflects the new committee structure so account signatories are Treasurer, Club Sec and Chair. 3 pre-existing signatories still have to be removed but they no longer have any authorising rights on the bank account. Account balance is in a healthy position and able to support appropriate spend on events subject to committee approval.

  2. Annual Club Awards - we are looking to hold a presentation event in Nov. EC currently sourcing a venue.

    ACTION - EC to confirm options back by early Oct.

  3. Xmas Training - we will be holding a Christmas themed club run on Weds 11th Dec. That will be the last formal training session before Christmas. Training will then restart on the 2nd Weds in Jan.

  4. Tad 10 - thanks to DC for organising this and the recent Marathon du Malton. Tad 10 clashes with the 1st PECO event so we've already got 10 runners signed up for the event in Tad but agreed not to promote proactively given the clash with PECO.

  5. Club Champs - DC has been researching options from other clubs relating to a club championship. Our focus is on running a championship in 2025 as a test to see how it works. There are many different formats used and it is impossible to find a format that works for everyone. Our ambition is to use a format that gives as many members of the club the opportunity to participate first.

    ACTION - DC to submit report to committee with an initial proposal for a club champs format that we can run with in 2025. Objective is to create an inclusive competition that includes local, easy to access events such as parkrun, Summer League, PECO etc whilst being easy to manage from an admin perspective.

  6. Club Standards - England Athletics have set every affiliated club a target of meeting 7 targets. We have currently met 5. The remaining ones relate to passing safeguarding tests for relevant committee members.

    ACTION - SC to review online tests within EA portal.

  7. New roles - committee discussed what we wanted to achieve in relation to the new roles, principally the Mental Health & Wellbeing role. We agreed that defining it on our website would be a good start and taking the opportunity to include photos of all committee members and their details of their roles on the website.

    ACTION - committee members to email SM with copy of a photo they would like to use.

  8. Brass Monkey Club Ballot - we have now applied for a new system that YKH have put in place for club ballot places. Watch this space for details of the places available if we are successful.

  9. Northern Athletics - we have been approached by NA and asked if we would like to affiliate to them at a cost of £2 per 1st claim member. We need more information on what that affiliation would give us before making a decision.

    ACTION - JD to contact NA to enquire about benefits of affiliation.

  10. NE parkrun - committee agreed to arrange a YPH volunteer takeover on 19 Oct. SM to publicise via Whatsapp group.

    ACTION - SM to publicise volunteer opps with club members - done and great response, thank you.

  11. London Marathon Club Place - we are expecting to hear from London Marathon in Oct / Nov regarding applying for our usual single club place. The process we will follow is already published on our website after our AGM in April.

  12. Whatsapp - membership of the group is a benefit of being a member of the club so we will shortly review the Whatsapp group membership to ensure it reflects the 1st & 2nd claim and social membership of the club. Anyone not falling into any of those categories is encouraged to join the club asap.

    ACTION - SM to review membership of Whatsapp group on 30 Sept to ensure it is made up of 1st claim, 2nd claim and social members only.

  13. Social Media - committee agreed to recommence publishing weekly training sessions on Facebook & Instagram whilst stopping the weekly emailing of club run details.

    ACTION - HS to obtain admin access for our social media accounts and streamline them ready for weekly updates. Ask coaches to email her details of weekly sessions for publishing.

Meeting closed at 7.50pm.

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